The Midland and West of England Great Dane Club
Championship Show
Sunday 3rd December 2023
May I start by thanking Neil Morgan and his team for putting on such a great show. The wonderful atmosphere created by the exhibitors made for an excellent show that was my absolute pleasure to judge. It really felt like coming home for Christmas. Also a big thankyou to the exhibitors for presenting me with such a wonderful entry of bitches to judge.
I found some outstanding bitches and my principal winners were all of excellent type and very difficult to fault displaying the qualities I look for in a Great Dane. The one issue I would say needs to be addressed are the many soft toplines but my experience judging in the UK tells me you guys have the best of angulation in your dogs both front and rear. It was a pity today that some dogs couldn’t show off their best due to being uncomfortable with the flooring.
1. Tamzdane Oooey Gooey Cake (Pocock). A substantial Harli at 8months of age. Excellent front and rear assembly for one of her age. A more than decent head with good length of neck that flows smoothly into very correct shoulders. I predict a very bright future for this youngster. Along with my Co Judge Bill Henderson she was awarded Best Puppy In Show.
2. Damarkann Secret Dare with Stevarah (Hayter). A well balanced pretty mantle, well put together which was more than obvious when you see her move. Nicely balanced head for her age and as she matures her planes will level up, sweet expression.
3. Adoreadane May West (Tempest). A well grown Harli who stood taller than the rest of the class. Well balanced for her size and age but she is going to need lots of time. Stronger head than I like but nice length of neck with a surprisingly smooth flow into her shoulders for her age.
1. Tamzdane Appley Ever After (Pocock). A well grown substantial harli who excelled with her reach and drive which was surprising in one so young. Head appears slow to develop but very nice in outline and I particularly liked her ranginess which probably aided her outstanding movement. Good bone which one comes to expect from this kennel.
2. Devorins Zola via Leamap (Price). A pretty black girl whose head need a lot of development. She is a bit light on bone which her colour makes more obvious. She is nevertheless well put together which again her balanced movement confirmed.
1. Primus Bond Girl with Samdice (Dyson). Outstanding brindle that took my eye as she entered the ring. Very well balanced with good head planes and length of foreface. Very pleasing layback of shoulder and the correct topline which she held on the move. Correct amount of bone with nice tight feet.
2. Stagbatch Hi De Hi (Bliss). A well grown harli who is broader in backskull than I like but she has a well balanced flowing outline and moves with drive.
1. Vanmore Spill The Beans (Morgan-
2. Zefathers Kind Of Magic (Cranfield). Another quality Dane carrying this prefix. Pretty fawn that needs lots of time, but another with a bright future. Her head is still developing, neat shoulder assembly with enough angulation both front and rear. Slightly steep in croup but stood second in a very strong class of 9 bitches.
3. Primus Diamonds Are Forever Samdice (Dyson). A lovely brindle girl that will no doubt end up taking top honours. Excellent breed type with a good flowing outline, pretty balanced head, enough neck and a strong topline with correct tail set. Gave a lot away in age at only 14 months. She completed a trio of lovely girls.
1. Tamzdane Appley Ever After (Pocock).
2. Droolakiss Thalia (Lawson). Deep blue girl who is very well put together and one I expect to hear more of. She is only 13 months so has so much time on her side. Id like more length of head and more elegance but time can change all of this and I expect it will.
3. Belarosedane Beanie Babybel (Evans). Pretty black with a strong topline and very well coupled. Far too fine and needs more bone and substance.
1. Jacqukir Time For Change (Jacques and Kirby). A quality fawn girl who I see from my catalogue is litter sister to the Best In Show winner, my congratulations to their breeders. Very well balanced upstanding fawn with a soft eye and expression. Short coupled with good bone and nice tight feet. She moved out well using her correct shoulder assembly and rear angulation while holding her topline.
2. Kinnegans Daydream Believer at Anadain (McLellan). Another quality girl that could change places with my winner at any time. Well balanced with correct hindquarters but not quite the shoulders of my winner. A very impressive girl both standing and moving.
3. Rimor Brianna (Skene). Quality fawn girl of excellent breed type. So much to like about her from her nose to the tip of her tail. She’s very well put together but has a slightly round eye and a steep croup. She moved well holding a very good shape.
1. Zefather’s Rumour Has It (Cranfield). A well put together bitch who is a handy size and has a very sweet expression. Her topline isn’t her fortune but excels in so many areas she couldn’t be denied this place in a very strong class. Moves how a Dane should with reach and drive using her hocks.
2. Rioco My One And Only to Jasnettdanes JW (Harrison). When standing I thought she was my easy winner as she has a beautiful outline that flows from nose to tail. Good length of head with long neck flowing very smoothly onto her shoulders with a firm topline. I’d like more spring of rib and I had to penalize her for pinning in which was very apparent on the move. But a quality girl who I can understand why she has JW after her name.
3. Keishant Athena (Martin). A well balanced well boned girl with a kind eye and expression. Excellent front but her steep croup hindered her rear movement.
1. Ch Adoreadane Just The Ticket JW (Tempest). This harli girl who is rising 8 years of age stood alone in this class but her quality shone through. I saw her as a youngster and was impressed with her then. A lovely smooth uninterrupted outline with a feminine head, good length of neck and a nice firm topline. She had more pizazz than many youngsters here today and I had no hesitation in bringing her out into my shortlist for the ticket. Best Veteran In Show.
1. Droolakiss Thalia (Lawson).
2. Taysca Stele Mici with Stevarah (Hayter). Heavier bitch than my winner with a strong head but nice and square with a strong topline. A high tail carriage spoils her outline on the move.
1. Foaldown Dark Secret (Collett). So much to like about this bitch who placed 4th in the Limit class. A change of handler seemed to bring out her best. A very feminine head, good length of neck and excellent shoulders. A strong topline and correct croup both in angle and length although would prefer a shorter loin. Would also prefer a darker eye that would give her a softer expression. Very much my style of Dane.
2. Novavida Purple Calla Lily JW (Page and Concannon). A much heavier type of bitch that is lacking in elegance. She has a lovely soft expression with a strong front and correct hindquarters which she used to advantage on the move.
3. Belarosedane Beanie Babybel (Evans).
1. Zwiebelchen In Flagranti with Dainmajik (Ingram). Loved her the minute she entered the ring. Very feminine head of the correct balance and length although a loose eye that spoils her expression somewhat. An excellent shoulder assembly with a long arched neck, correct topline and well turned stifles. Stood on nice tight feet. She is loose in elbow which is apparent on the move.
2. X-
3. Murrayvhayle Mysticle (Searle). Another quality brindle with a feminine head, enough neck and a good firm topline. On the move she was let down by her lack of reach and drive that could have been caused by her dislike of the surface.
1. Primus Go With The Flo (Donnelly). A well made 23 month old who has a feminine and well balanced head with a decent neck set on well laid shoulders. She moved out well but would prefer a firmer topline.
2. Keishant Athena (Martin).
3. Rimor Brianna (Skene).
1. Tamzdane Bananas On The Rum (Pocock). Well balanced and the best mover in the class by far. A nice head although too much lip for me. Excellent bone with a well angled rear that propelled her around the ring.
2. Adoreadane Licence To Kill (Tempest). A tall 23 month old who is very upstanding being upright in upper arm and a steep croup. She also needs a broader muzzle but on the good side she has a nice length of neck and a good firm topline which was lacking in so many. She has enough layback of shoulder and rear angulation that gave her well balanced movement.
3. Onabonn Alish (naf) (Kelly). This is a lovely girl but I really had to work to find it. She is new to the showring as is her owner/handler but with perseverance you can find a really smart well balanced bitch. I would invest everything in training her and her owner as I guarantee the rewards will be very worthwhile. I shall keep an eye out for her name in the future although I note she is NAF so if it changes someone should let me know.
1. A very well balanced and correctly marked mantle that stood alone in this class. Neat head but with a loose eye and a very east/west front but moved away well driving with her well muscled rear.
1. Ch Garsak Summer Days at Mintrex (Clark). A beautifully balanced bitch that takes your eye the minute she enters the ring. A lovely feminine head of correct length, a long well arched neck that sits nicely on very well laid shoulders. A good strong topline and a well angled rear that drove her around the ring like a Great Dane. I had no hesitation in handing her the CC. I see she is still only a two year old, she has a VERY bright future.
2. Ch Selmalda Oh Lori (Chappell). A quality bitch as you would expect from this kennel. Another with a feminine head although would prefer more length but with a beautiful soft expression. I would like to see a smoother transition from her good length of neck to her topline but very nicely balanced and well angled both front and rear. Very well presented.
3. Garsak Mary Quant at Equleus (Simpson). Bred from the same kennel as my winner although totally different in that she is much cobbier than the rest of the class but very well balanced both standing and when moving. She has excellent bone and stands on nice firm tight feet.