Richard Bott

Thank you to the officers and committee for the invitation to judge at this lovely well run show and also for the warm welcome that greeted me.

BLUE JUNIOR DOG 1st Islandrose A Nod To Vincent at Carsan (IKC).  One year old of a good make and shape. Has elegance with substance. Well proportioned head, good eye and high set ears.  Long strong neck fitting well into shoulders.  Well ribbed back, good finish to the croup and width to thigh.  Stands on good legs and neat feet.  Needs to settle on the out and back but good action in profile. Best Blue Dog.

BLUE PUPPY BITCH 1st Renescent Fugget About It.  Almost seven months. Feminine well proportioned head but eyes a little loose at the moment.  Well placed ears of correct texture.  Good reach of neck and good front assembly, straight front, neat feet.  Well ribbed back and good width to thigh.  Slightly longer cast. Best Blue Puppy.

BLUE JUNIOR BITCH 1st Droolakiss Thalia.  Squarely built with a pleasing head of good proportions; plenty of work in it and a good tight eye.  Neck has strength with a lovely crest.  Enough front angulation, well boned legs and tight feet.  Topline needs to firm up a little but is well angulated behind and not overdone.  Good driving action on the move.

BLUE POST GRAD BITCH.  Not an easy class.1st Novavida Sweet Iris at Irieusdane.  Slightly finer throughout but had the better outline being square and clean. Lovely head with a tight eye.  Long and well arched neck.  Straighter in angulation than the second, however well balanced throughout.  Strong legs and neat feet.  Covered the ground well on the move.  Best Blue Bitch. 2nd Taysca Stele Mici with Stevarah.  Heavier set and rather strong in head, eye could be tighter.  Lovely neck and front plenty of depth and short backed, good quarters but flew her tail.  Well boned legs and good feet.

HARLEQUIN PUPPY DOG 1St Adoreadane Charlton (AI).  10 months old.  Full of substance yet not coarse.  Lovely head with plenty of work in it, soft expression, well placed ears if a little large at this stage and needs to grow into them. Straight front, good legs and feet, well balanced throughout.  Had carriage on the move but a little close behind at the moment and just needs to strengthen.  Very clean in outline. Best Harlequin Puppy.

HARLEQUIN POST GRAD DOG 1st Dainoak Tempus Vincit at Chamith.  Very square and clean in outline.  Balanced angles but a little straight both ends.  Masculine head and expression, proportionate but wouldn’t want it any stronger.  Good neck, strong topline.  Moved with carriage but could be neater coming towards.

HARLEQUIN OPEN DOG 1st Calchas Bryan the Brave.  Glorious head and expression, neat ears and a strong neck.  Level back and well angulated but would like a shade more leg.  Good bone and feet, well ribbed and strong loin.  Slightly over angulated behind in length of second thigh. Moved OK just being held back a little so couldn’t get into his stride. Best Harlequin Dog.

HARLEQUIN PUPPY BITCH 1st Tamzdane Oooey Gooey Cake.  Feminine with substance and a lovely head and eye.  Good neck and shoulders, well angulated both ends.  Needs to come up an inch or two for her balance and has plenty of time for this to happen.  Well-made quarters and moved covering the ground with ease. 2nd Adoreadane May West (AI).  Clean outline but stands a shade bum high at the moment.  Pleasing head which is well proportioned in profile.  Good neck and shoulders and well ribbed back.  Slightly longer and needs to strengthen behind as she is was a little weak at times.

HARLEQUIN POST GRAD BITCH 1st Calchas Addition (AI).  Liked her make and shape which she held on the move.  Feminine head of good proportions with a lovely eye.  Good neck and shoulders, straight front, good angles and moved with carriage.  Squarely built. Best Harlequin Bitch.  2nd Tamzdane Appley Ever After. Clean and stylish in outline.  Head needs to break as a little narrow in proportion to her body at the moment.  Lovely neck and shoulder placement, strong topline and finish.  Good length of leg and moved with style and had an accurate footfall.  3rd Stagbatch Hi De Hi.

HARLEQUIN OPEN BITCH 1st Damarkann Jewel of Shalrace.  Elegant and clean in outline with good clear markings.  Lovely head and eye.  Good neck and shoulder placement but rather narrow in front. Ribs well sprung and strong loin.  Good bend of stifle and width to second thigh but moves rather close behind. Had carriage on the move but could be better on the out and back.  2nd Adoreadane Licence To Kill (AI). Square and up on leg. Super crest to neck. Doesn’t have the rear angulation of the winner and not as fluid in profile today. Good depth and spring of rib. Pleasing head and eye.

BLACK POST GRAD DOG  1ST Belarosedane Satchmo Bowe.  Square with good length of leg.  Head rather strong throughout but has a good eye and neat ears.  Strong neck, enough lay of shoulder but a little short in forearm and could be tighter in elbow.  Well ribbed back and firm in loin.  `Tended to sit down in his rear which gave the impression of being over angulated behind at times, however on the move you could see his shape clearly.  Best Black Dog.

BLACK PUPPY BITCH  1st Devorins Zola via Leamap.  Really appealing outline and has a lovely head and eye. Neck fits cleanly into well laid shoulders. Plenty of depth, well ribbed up, correct loin and good quarters. Terrific legs and feet. Super mover. Best Black Puppy.  2nd Renescent Mafioso. 7 months and very raw but lots to like about her. Lovely head and eye. Good angulation, well boned legs and tight feet. Needs to firm up in topline. Moved well once settled.

BLACK POST GRAD BITCH  1st  Zebeldanes Paint It Black.  Elegant and clean in outline, feminine with plenty of substance. Well proportioned head with plenty of work in it, neat ears. Good crest to neck, straight front, good depth. Well balanced throughout and sound action. Best Black Bitch. 2nd Belarosedane Beany Babybel. Lovely head and excellent crest to neck. Well angulated front, level topline but overdone behind. Her feet were rather flat and she was very erratic on the move and couldn’t get settled today.

MANTLE OPEN DOG  1st Ch/Swiss & Lux Ch Tamzdene Empower Mint JW. Noble and stylish on the stack. Very clean square outline and has plenty of substance. Lovely head, good reach of neck and well laid shoulders. Straight front, level topline and good finish. Very striking and a super character. Very good on the out and back and covered the ground with style. Best Mantle Dog.

MANTLE JUNIOR BITCH  1st Damrkann Secret Dare with Stevarah. 10 months and very raw but there is plenty to like about her. She is a good make and shape with a feminine well proportioned head and dark eyes. Strong neck, enough front but stands a little ten to two on splayed feet. Well ribbed up with a good back end. Picks up a little in front on the move at the moment but should settle down as she learns her trade. Best Mantle Bitch and Best Mantle Puppy.

MANTLE OPEN BITCH  1st Damarkann Raydiance with Stevarah. Lovely feminine head with dark eyes. Strong neck of pleasing length.  Would like a little more lay back of shoulders and return of forearm.  Depth to her forechest, straight front and well boned legs and neat feet.  Well ribbed back and short backed.  Well angulated behind but tended to sit into her stifles making her appear overdone behind.  Eye catching on the move but lacked drive.