The Midland and West of England Great Dane Club Colour Format open show held on 6th Feb. 2022 at Ryton on Judge Linda Coleman.
Thanks to the club for inviting me to judge at this well run friendly show and I loved my gift. My decisions in some classes were made more difficult by the exhibits being unwilling to be handled, not through nervousness I might add just obviously “on one” on the day and this affected my placings as I was unable to assess them correctly, very disappointing for me and the owners I’m sure.
Fawn P.D. 2
1st Garsak Sir Otis
9 months balanced head with kind dark eyes. Tight feet, well arched neck. Good hind angulation, movement true fore and aft but in profile was spoilt by a short tail curled over his back.
2nd Justinian Casanova
Thought this would be my winner on the stand but happily wagging his tail he had other ideas about me going over his head or looking at his bite, this just got worse the more I tried and then insisted on pacing so had to settle for 2nd
Fawn J.D. 3 [1]
1st Jacqukir no Regrets
12 months lovely size with impressive balanced stance. Good angles all round, lovely tight feet which just need to come in slightly, hopefully as he develops and fills out in front this will correct itself. Correct shaped ears and set. Strode out well. Best Fawn dog.
2nd Zefather’s Skyfall
Did not wait for critique
Fawn P.G.D. 2 [1]
1st Droolakiss Tripe Miner
Balanced head good bite. Nice length to upper arm and second thigh however I wasn’t able to assess his movement at all as his owner was unable to control him. She did not return for the challenge.
Fawn O.D. 2 [1]
1st Ch. Santanna Special Legacy at Justinian
Balanced head with good bite. Correct dark eyes. Nice hind angulation, croup and tail. Good layback of shoulder but upper arm was a little short and coming towards me his front legs were all over the place.
Fawn P.B. 2 [1]
1st Bourntwyn Alone in a Crowd
7 months lovely balanced feminine head with dark eye, strong arched neck and good layback of shoulder. Well angled hindquarters and covered the ground well in profile, true coming and going. A tad long in loin but still a firm level back. B.P. and best fawn bitch.
Fawn J.B. 6 [4]
1st Jacqukir Time for Change
2nd Zefather’s Rumour has it
Two nice bitches, the first was changing her coat but I preferred her croup. Both had balanced heads and good feet and they both moved out well covering the ground.
Fawn P.G.B. 3 [3]
Fawn O.B. 3[1]
1st Ch Zefather’s Sweet Child of Mine JW BJWNL19
Strong looking bitch, head had good length to it with dark eyes and a good bite. Strong loin with good croup and tail. Movement was true both ways.
2nd Ch Nikami Leap of Faith for Teesedane
More elegant and thought her better balanced overall but another one who decided she didn’t want to be gone over at all and moved erratically so had to pay the price.
Brindle P.D. 1[1]
Brindle J.D. 1 [1]
Brindle P.G.D. 2 [1]
1st Samdice Bond Jamesbond [ AI ]
Balanced head but ears set on too low and houndy. Well angled hindquarters, croup o.k. untidy on the move and would prefer a clearer colour.
Brindle O.D. 1
Ch Selmada Jealous Guy [ AI ]
Impressive upstanding male in lovely balance. Super feet, strong balanced head. Good croup sweeping second thigh so strode out well covering the ground. Good stripes but would prefer a slightly lighter background. Best Brindle dog and Res. B.I.S.
Brindle P.B. 1
Rimor Athena’s Kyss
Good bite, long arched neck and balanced front angles. A little long in loin, good croup. Nice stride in profile but a little loose fore and aft but only 9 months.
Brindle J.B. 1
1st Rimor Athena’s Kiss
Brindle P.G.B. 1
1st Zweibelchen in Flagranti with Dainmajik [imp]
Nicely marked brindle, loved her head atop a long arched neck an elegant young bitch all in balance, good tail and croup with an easy pleasing side gait. She was the best muscled in the entry and just had that noble look at me attitude which I think helped win her B.O.S. in show
Brindle O.B. 1
1st Nikami Serenade
Nicely marked, balanced head, straight front strong neck and good layback of shoulder Good hindquarters and strode out well just gave up a bit in the challenge and sagged.