Midland & West of England Great Dane Club
Midland & West of England Great Dane Club
Est. 1948
Welcome to the
The M&W of EGDC is committed to the education and development of those wishing to judge Great Danes be they breed specialists or all-
QUALIFICATIONS for traditional judges route ending 2025
JEP REQUIREMENTS For new judges replacing the traditional route. For information regarding mentoring/grandfathering and any other JEP questions please contact Mrs Sheena Booth the Great Dane Breed Council Breed Education Coordinator HERE IF YOU ARE TAKING THE JEP ROUTE TO JUDGING (which will be fully rolled out in 2026 (changed from 2025) as the traditional route will be ended) PLEASE UPDATE BAD ATTENDANCE, CERTIFICATES AND INFORMATION TO ME to be included in our online judges list.
APPLICATION for the M&W GDC Judges List (click to view) TRADITIONAL or JEP ROUTE
It is a requirement of all breed clubs that in order to be eligible for inclusion on the Club's B or JEP2 List(whether specialist or non-
All persons on 'A3', 'B' Lists are required to fill in the Judging Application Form ANNUALLY, even if your status is the same -
These forms are the only information to which our club and the GDBC have access regarding your judging experience and activities, therefore IF THEY ARE NOT SENT IN, YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO BE CONSIDERED FOR UPGRADING.
Send all applications, whether new or for upgrading, should you wish to be included on the M&WofEGDC online Judges page, to Sandy
During these annual reviews the Committee may take it upon itself to remove any names which show CONSISTENT AVOIDABLE INACTIVITY in the Breed and/or FAILURE TO RETURN COMPLETED FORMS.
Successful applicants will be recommended to be added to the Great Dane Breed Councils Judges List
N.B. Persons already on the ‘A1’ & ‘A2’ Lists are NOT required to fill in any further application forms.
The Kennel Club reclassified the Great Dane from Stud Book Band C to Stud Book Band D & TIER 4 For judging criteria. Judges should be aware that, following this reclassification, a JEP level 1 judge may only judge a maximum of 3 classes of the breed at Open shows
For the M&Wof EGDC Judges List, showing past and future appointments, please click HERE
Don’t forget to refresh the list on your PC or laptop by right clicking on the list, then scrolling down on the box that opens until you see RELOAD FRAME. Then click on reload frame, and the latest list should appear.
Club Judges List
THE TRADITIONAL JUDGES LIST will be no longer in use at the end of 2025. Should you wish to begin or continue judging you may transfer to the JEP route. The Criteria/Qualifications/Requirements for each level are listed below,. Just scroll down the page